Macey at 3 Months! (May 22, 2019)

Macey on her Old Kennel

At 12 weeks, Macey went to the Vet for the first time. She did fine… came home with a microchip embedded between her shoulder blades. The Vet used some peanut butter to distract her while inserting the microchip. She weighed in at 19.7 lbs. May 22, 2019

Macey vs Bali: A neighbor walks her Golden Doodle by the yard once in a while. They are about the same size and love to wrestle.

Macey vs Rex: Rex and her skateboard are her two favorite toys upstairs.

Macey is a Quick Learner! I put a small ribbon on her door yesterday.

Other Steps

Macey is getting much better about bringing underwear and socks left on the floor in the back bathroom to the laundry room near the front of the house. In the afternoon, I can tell her to “Go get it” and she pulls my swimsuit off the rack and brings it to me. She’ll soon associate that with me going to the hot tub.

Skateboard Progress

For the last couple of weeks, I was letting her just sit on her skateboard while on the carpeted floor of my office. She can change directions while on the board with no problems. I started trying to slide the board while she was on the board…but she would jump off immediately. In the past few days, I’ve convinced her to stay on and ride the board as I drag it across the floor. She is now following along with the board (while trying to get a treat) with two or more feet on the board. In short, there has been a lot of progress over the past couple of days.

More Lessons:

May 24 Skateboarding Progress: Right now, Macey is jumping onto the skateboard and riding it out. Actually, that’s easy for her and she’ll do it dozens of times in a row. She will occasionally pump a couple of times with one of her back legs, but that step takes longer. She is very comfortable on the board now, whether it is moving forward or backwards.

Macey’s Warm Bath: After wrestling in the wet grass with Bali, she needed a bath. She’s had several now and seems to like it.

Macey in Flowers

I hope to get a few shots of Macey in more exotic wildflowers, but Dandilions will have to work for now. (May 25)

Macey on May 27, polishing her indoor skateboarding skills.


About Mike Jackson 22 Articles
Photographer living in Jackson Hole, WY.