8 Month Macey!

Wow! She’s getting big fast! She weighs over 60 pounds now and looking more and more like an adult dog. She is still skateboarding and learning new tricks.

This short Slow Motion clip shows Macey catching a ball and catching a treat when placed on her nose.

Yep, she’s a bad dog!

It will soon be a sad day around here! I bought little Rex at a Garage Sale when Macey was still a pup. I think I got my 25¢ worth of value out of him, however. Piece by piece, she pulled off his collar, then one ear and later his tongue. She recently chewed off the other ear and has been pulling the synthetic stuffing out of his head. I am not sure if she will miss it, but Rex has been a big part of her life since my garage sale purchase.

Macey and Dala: I’d hate to suggest that Macey is spoiled, but she gets away with a few no-no’s now and then. She crawled up in Darla’s lap, as she does me when I am working on my computer. She looks really large in this iPhone photo.

Upside Down: We can say, “Bang” and she goes “belly up”. Even without the command, she spends a lot of time upside down.

Macey and the Window: Macey is an English Cream variety of Golden Retriever. She is still quite white—something that makes us question our choice on a rainy, muddy day! Her longer adult fur is coming in.

Another of Macey’s new tricks: She can let herself in when outside and can shut the door behind her.

I was planning on uploading a video of Macey playing with Balley when Macey overheard all of the sounds in the video. It captured her attention for the entire video.

About Mike Jackson 22 Articles
Photographer living in Jackson Hole, WY.