Macey at 17, 18, and 19 Weeks

Macey and Rex

Macey in Slide Lake

Macey weighed in at 29.8 pounds on her 17th week and 32 pounds on her 18th week. I took her to the vet today to weigh her again. She now weighs 34.9 pounds! She will be 5 months old July 22nd as I make this post on July 17th.

Her face profile is starting to take on the classic golden retriever appearance. She is looking like a lanky teenager with longer legs. More and more of her baby fur is being replaced by longer and wavier off white fur. The photo above was taken at Slide Lake.

Macey at the JH Skatepark:

Trail Runner

Macey definitely likes to run. This one was taken at the base of Teton Pass on the Old Pass Road.

I continue to work with her and her long board. She is more focused when at home.


This video was taken at the Pinedale, WY skateboard park. She is still a puppy and gets easily distracted if a puffball from an aspen or cottonwood blows by.

Macey and Rex

Macey and Rax

Poor Rex. When I bought Rex, his fur was deep black and bright white. He towered over her. Rex is now dark gray and dirty brown. Not to worry! I paid 75¢ for Rex at one of the Saturday morning garage sales. I consider it to be a great investment! Macey knows she can play rough with him.

Macey and Rex

Macey and Rex:

Macey and Rex

Macey and Rex:


Darla took this photo with her iPhone.

Macey and Mountain Meadows

Macey and Mountain Meadows: July 18 on Togwotee Pass

Macey Running

Macey Running at Togwotee Pass.

Macey and Wildflowers

Fetching a Stick in the Wildflowers on Togwotee Pass.

Macey's Travel Kennel

Macey's Second KennelMacey’s Travel Kennel

I am able to put this kennel in my truck for daily travel. The smaller image was taken in May 20. Over two months, she has filled it fast.


About Mike Jackson 22 Articles
Photographer living in Jackson Hole, WY.


  1. what a beautiful face
    love Goldens, we have two
    we have found that having two is better for the dogs,when we are out they are never alone. And there is no exter work…………….but lots more poop!

  2. Macey captured my heart from the beginning of your wonderful journey with her.
    Thank you for sharing the amazing pictures that you are so known well for Mike!

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